Learn More About Word of Life Ministries and Schools
Word of Life Ministries and Schools is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to meeting the needs of
people and furthering the Kingdom of God. It's mission statement is to "have as many outreaches as possible to save as many souls as possible." Within this corporation is Word of
Life Church with two campuses, a day care, a traditional school grades K-12, a teen ministry, counseling center, and Word of Life Christian Counseling Training Institute.
In our bookstore, we no longer provide links to a particular book dealer but give lists of what we think are the best books on a particular subject
allowing you to purchase these books where you feel appropriate.
It has been brought to ourattention that there
are some other websites offering our videos as counseling training. We appreciate their desire to propagate our materials but we cannot offer course credit or validate
any certifications they might offer.
We have loaded our newest course "Addiction Recovery According to the Bible" recorded in Slovakia in English with Slovak interpretation. It has
now been translated into Swahili and Arabic. These videos are entitled "Additions for Slovakia," "Addictions in Swahili" and "Addictions in Arabic." The Lord led us to present this
seminar for the Roma (Gypsies) in Slovakia but we believe it is the purest all-Bible method of addiction recovery yet and it is set up so that it can be easily re-interpreted into other
languages. We believe the Lord really gave us some breakthroughs at this seminar. Watch it and let us know what you think.
Word of Life Christian Counseling Training Institute
To train the body of Christ to more effectively help the spiritually unfulfilled, underachieving, emotionally and psychologically hurting people in our
churches and in our society.
Faith Therapy
The Faith Therapy Curriculum was developed over a period of years based on a new methodology developed at Word of Life Institute but expanded to cover all of the most important
topics commonly encountered in the church counseling and life coaching environment. Currently the unique portion of this curriculum consists of four books and 16 video courses.
It provides both self-help resources for individuals and college curriculum for effectively training Christian counselors and Bible-based life coaches.
Over the years and with quit a number of graduates, not only has this curriculum proven to be very easy to teach and
implement in churches, but it has proven to be an extremely effective and an appropriate means of evangelism in this culture and for missions in other cultures. All of our methodology directly includes evangelism since without salvation by faith the best that counseling can do is make more effective participants for the rat race
of life and does nothing to prepare them for eternity.
The Origin of Faith Therapy.
Over the years as we have developed the Faith Therapy curriculum, we have needed to produce and publish our materials and resources. We are now in the process of developing our own
publishing company in order to minimize cost and provide more security than being dependent on another company. This became clear when our original publisher went out of business, lost the
files for one of our books, and our books were taken out of distribution for almost six months. Our goal is to be able to produce additional resources and translate our current
resources into other languages for use in other countries and cultures at lower cost.
Faith Therapy is unique in that it is based solely on the process of biblical salvation by faith.
After determining the root problem and helping the client to realize that he cannot resolve it without God, the most fundamental step in the healing process is leading the client to accept Christ
as his Lord and Savior. Once Christ has been accepted, the Holy Spirit orchestrates the process of salvation or wholeness. The Christian counselor’s job is to help the client remove
any roadblocks to this process and assist him to grow in Christian maturity once the roadblocks are removed. In addition to bringing relief to the presenting problem, faith therapy views
all problems as symptoms of deeper life issues, which are rooted in a lack of faith in God to meet the client’s most basic needs. Bible principles and models are used for the overall
direction of therapy to overcome the original presenting problem, since relying on God’s Word builds faith in God—the ultimate answer. These models
focus directly on areas where faith is needed to overcome a particular psychological or spiritual vulnerability. In this process, numerous methods, ministries and counseling modalities are
applied: preaching, teaching, intercession, prayer, worship, discipleship, confrontation, deliverance, compassion, insight therapy, faith healing, the gifts of the Spirit, prophetic
ministry, Theophostic Prayer Ministry, mentoring, support groups, supportive relationships and many others. Faith Therapy is best applied within a dynamic body of believers in a local
Church, where faith is taught and put into practice on a daily basis. Faith Therapy, as it is applied to
Bible-based life coaching, is also unique because it was derived directly from the Bible based on a number of stories about discipleship. It, therefore, provides a uniquely Biblical
methodology for life coaching
As I have already stated a number of times, Faith Therapy has been derived
directly from the Bible. Therefore, this question really becomes, “What is the basic psychological model on which the Bible is based?” According to the Bible the basis of most
psychological problems is sin or “missing the mark.” In fact, it was the sin of Adam and Eve that is responsible for all sickness and pain in the world. If we accept the fact that, as
a minimum, sin is the basis of at least all psychological problems that result from our free choices, then what is the basis of sin? It is based on our free choice to try to direct our own
lives in order to meet our needs without God. Each of us is driven to meet our most fundamental psychological needs of the self: love, security, worth and significance. Attempting to
meet these needs of the self, in our own strength, is called self-centeredness or selfishness, and it lies at the core of our sin nature. These needs provide the motivation for everything
that we do or attempt to do in the flesh. The flesh wars against the Spirit for the control of the soul in order to fulfill the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
life (1 John 2:16).
What I have just described constitutes what I call the “basic need model” and it provides the psychological basis for Faith
Therapy. Faith Therapy provides for the integration of Christian counseling
within the framework of the process of salvation by faith and for the direct application of faith to resolve deeply rooted psychological and spiritual problems. This direct application of
faith is especially effective in treating fears, anxiety, insecurity and stress. It specifically leads the client to accept Christ as Savior and Lord, and addresses problems that arise out
of selfish attempts to meet the core psychological needs of love, security, worth, and significance through the flesh. However, through the application of counseling models and the
development of counseling plans based on biblical principles, it is effective in addressing all spiritual and psychological problems.
World Outreach
Because to the need for and demand for Bible-based counseling throughout the world, Word of Life Institute has reached out to meet these needs through this website,
seminars, a developing country scholarship and an active program to begin counseling training centers where the demand is greatest. At this time this outreach is primarily to English
speaking, Christian nations where our books and videos can be most effectively used. We now have our drug and alcohol videos translated into Slovak, Swahili and
A Video Introduction to Word of Life Institute
Word of Life Counseling Training Institute began as a natural outgrowth of the expansion of Word of Life Church to include support groups, a counseling center, and a drug and alcohol outpatient
clinic in 1994. Because of a lack of truly Bible-based counseling training in this area, Word of Life joined with Logos Christian College and Graduate School (now named LOGOS University) as
an extension campus to begin developing a training program to meet this need and insure an ongoing resource of Biblically-trained counselors.
How to receive the Gift of Eternal Life and be Saved.
Jesus Christ the Redeemer
More important than anything else is the issue of ETERNAL LIFE. Everyone will live eternally, the question is where. Heaven is real, Hell is
real. All the pleasures of this life--a short season--cannot compare with living forever in Hell. The Bible promises eternal life in Heaven to anyone who finds and follows Jesus
Christ, the Son of God. Jesus died on the cross and paid the penalty for our sins so that we can have a personal relationship with God. If you choose to follow Christ, eternal
life in Heaven becomes yours as a free gift. You cannot earn it, it is a gift. It is yours to receive or reject.
Will you accept God's free gift to cleanse you of all your sins and allow the Holy Spirit to come in and transform your life? Here are some Bible verses
to consider.
Romans 3:23 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 10:9 If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
We receive Christ as an act of will to rely Him for your salvation. Pray this prayer right now, and Christ will come into your life, just as He
"Dear Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God. I believe that you came to this earth as a man, lived a perfect life on this
earth, died as a sacrifice for my sins, rose from the dead and you are now alive in Heaven. I confess that I am a sinner, have tried to direct my
own life, and have failed You in many ways. There is nothing I could ever do by my own efforts to be good enough to be accepted by You. I repent of my sins. I accept you now as my Lord
and Savior. With your help I will now forsake my old life and ask you to live Your life in and through me, come into my heart, change me and heal my life, and make me a new creation. I
thank you Lord for your free gift of eternal life and your unmerited favor and love. Amen"
If you made a decision to accept Jesus Christ into your life, or if you need prayer or guidance, please e-mail us and let us know. We are here to help
It is important that you read the Bible every day, pray to God often and find a good Christ-centered Church that
will teach you how to live the Christian life.