Undergraduate: CNS321 Effective Counseling Skills
Graduate: CNS631 Effective Influencing Skills
Course Description: Teaches basic counseling skills, analysis methods, and counseling ethics. Prepares the student with the skills necessary to begin counseling. Required prior to practicum or lay counseling and as part of all certifications or degrees.
AACC Ethics by The American Association of Christian Counselors (Download for free at http://www.aacc.net/about-us/code-of-ethics/
Additional Text book: Leadership Coaching by Stolztus (Not required for counseling certifications)
(Alternative Text book to replace Basic Attending Skills for Life Christian University: Why Don't We Listen Better?)
Additional Graduate Textbook: Why Don't We Listen Better?
1. Read and complete the assigned chapters prior to watching the video for that lesson. Highlight any important passages in the textbooks.
2. Watch each video while referencing the book and take any additional notes not covered in the textbooks. Prepare for the open book final examination.
3. Write a 5 page paper expanding on a particular issue or skill discussed in this class. Do not just repeat back what you have learned but gather additional information from the Bible or other resources. Cite at least 3 additional references.
4. Write a 3 page paper on an ethical issue that you feel will be critical to your counseling. Do not just repeat back what you have learned but gather additional information from the Bible or other resources.
5. For graduate credit, students are required to write an additional 5 page paper on how they have or would plan and conduct a complete counseling session using the methods taught in this class. Cite at least 3 additional references other than the Bible.
6. Take the open book test that will be E-mailed to you when you have completed the papers. You may use your notes, book, or the DVDs for reference.
7. Submit your papers and final examination via E-mail at treiner@wolm.org to Word of Life Institute for grading.