RES695 Group Counseling Practicum

LOGOS equivalent course numbers:

Undergraduate: RES495 Practicum

Graduate: RES695 Masters Practicum

Course Description: This course provides actual support group counseling supervision and practice. It can be completed telephonically as you begin leading a support group in your church or with friends.  


Text Book:  Making Small Groups Work by Cloud and Townsend



1. You must complete at least 15 contact hours helping to lead a support group, at least 5 hours actually leading a group, and receive supervision for these sessions from an experienced group leader. This supervision can be provided directly by a local Christian support group leader if one is available at your location or by a group supervisor at Word of Life Institute as an individual or a group or by Email.


2. Write a 5 page paper discussing what you have learned through your support group experience, how your group progressed through the stages of groups, and how you used the insights in the text book to resolve problems and to improve your group.


3. Write a 3 page paper on two of your group members, insights they received in the group, and how they improved through attending your group. Make sure that you protect any confidential information concerning your group members.


4. Send your group practicum notes to your assigned supervisor for their comments.  


5. Submit your papers by E-mail for grading.