Health and Weight Coaching

"Courage to Change" 12 week health and weightloss challenge
(A biblical weight loss, restoration and discipleship course)
1. Lose 30 pounds in 12 weeks, gain energy and strength and reduce pain and inflammation,
2. Grow in your relationship and faith in Jesus Christ, learn to feed your spirit and abolish unhealthy coping mechanisms and personal sabotages,
3. Reclaim your health, your body image, your self esteem, get your macho/looks back, and conquer your weight and insecurities,
4. Build relationships and learn to own that YOU ARE God's greatest masterpiece?


Individual Program Course  Videos $300 + Books $75 + shipping                  Total $375 + shipping

Married Couple Course    Videos $300 + 2 set of books $150 + Shipping  Total $450 + shipping

Veterans/1st Responders    Course Free + Books $75 per person                  Total $75 + shipping

Set of 3 Curriculum Books                                                                                   Total $75 + shipping

C2C Trainer Certification      Individual Program + practicum                          Total $600 + shipping

Please note that when all fees are paid you will receive a password for the entire video program.  All materials are copyrighted so please do not try to copy or download any part of the program or give the password to anyone else.  After you pay and obtain the password click here.