LOGOS equivalent course numbers:
Undergraduate: PTH205 Spiritual Formation
Graduate: PTH605 Spiritual Formation
Course Description: 2nd Peter Chapter 1 provides a roadmap for spiritual and psychological growth. We begin totally self-centered and grow step-by-step toward the goal of a Godly life motivated by love conformed to the image of Jesus. This course helps you identify where you are in this process, leads you toward maturity in Christ, and teaches you how to counsel for spiritual growth.
Additional Graduate Text Books: The Pursit of God by Tozer
1. First read and underline important passages and insights in the textbook Revelations That Will Set You Free.
2. Watch each video while referencing the book and take any additional notes not covered in the textbook.
3. Write a 3 page paper discussing your experience in pursuing the manifested presence of God. Take at least four hours of fasting, praise, and worship to connect with God Himself using the model of the tabernacle. Your grade on this paper will be based on what you learned in an honest attempt to have an encounter with God.
4. Using Peter’s model of spiritual maturity, write a 5 page paper discussing where you are in your own spiritual development and what you will do to move on to the next step. Give specific details and examples from your own life. Back up your conclusions and ideas with what you have learned in this class and the Bible. Do additional research on your specific issue with at least 3 additional references.
5. For graduate credit students are required to write an additional 5 page paper on how they have or would counsel a specific client for spiritual growth. Be sure to answer the question as to how the application of faith would be used in treating a specific problem. Do additional reserach and cite at least 3 references other than the Bible.
6. Take the open book test that will be E-mailed to you when you have completed the papers. You may use your notes, book, or the DVDs for reference.
7. Submit your papers and final examination to Word of Life Institute for grading via E-mail at tdreiner@wolm.org.