CNS833 Anger Management, Domestic Violence, and Abuse

LOGOS Equivalent Course Numbers

          Undergraduate: CNS433 Counseling Domestic Violence

          Graduate: CNS833 Counseling Domestic Violence


Course Description:

This course presents a broad overview of anger management, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. It includes etiology, methods, and techniques for treatment and recovery.


Text Book:  The Wounded Heart—Allender

Optional Textbook: The Wounded Heart Workbook--Allender


Additional Graduate Text Book:  The Anger Workbook—Carter and Minirth 



1. First read and fill out the Wounded Heart book or workbook, underlining important passages and insights.

2. Watch each video while referencing the book and take any additional notes not covered in the textbook. Prepare for the open book final examination.

3. Write a 3 page paper on your experiences working through the Wounder Heart book or workbook. How would you use it to counsel a client who has been abused.

4. Write a 5 page paper on a selected topic explaining the problem, symptoms, etiology, and treatment for a particular type of abuse. Do not just repeat back what has been discussed on the video but dig deeper into other books and the Bible for additional ideas. 

5. For graduate credit students are required to write a additional 5 page paper on how you would counsel a person who has been sexually abused directly from the Bible. Do not just repeat back  what has been discussed on the videos or what was said in a published text book but dig deeper into the Bible for additional ideas. 

6. Take the open book test that was sent to you when you obtain these materials or will be Emailed to you.   You may use your notes, book, or the DVDs

for reference.

7. Submit your papers and final examination to Word of Life Institute for grading via

Lesson 1: Current Anger

Lesson 2: Anger Analysis

Lesson 3: Understanding Boundaries

Lesson 4: Understanding Abuse / Verbal Abuse

Lesson 5: Understanding Violence

Lesson 6: Treating the Batterer

Lesson 7: Recovery from Domestic Violence

Lesson 8: Understanding Sexual Abuse

Lesson 9: Recovery from Sexual Abuse

Lesson 10: Treating the Sexual Offender